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Luke Russell

1. Describe yourself in three words Easy-going, Positive & Happy.

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L'enfant et les sortilèges

Samling Academy Opera Enchants North East

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Jean-Paul Pruna

1. Describe yourself in three words Team-worker, sometimes nonchalant (but working on it) and geeky-cool (so I have been told last week).

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Nick Byrne

1. Describe yourself in three words Friendly. Light-hearted. Positive.

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Dena Lague

1. Describe yourself in three words A redhead, with a rather dry sense of humour (so I’m told) who enjoys being physical.

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Miranda Wright

1. Describe yourself in three words Teacher, inspirer, team builder

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Ian Tindale

1. Describe yourself in three words Long-limbed song-mad pianist. (I used hyphens to get around your tricky restrictions. Sorry)

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Ruth Jenkins-Róbertsson

1. Describe yourself in three words Sincere, thoughtful, rascally

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L'enfant - Kings Hall

By Charlotte Heslop – Samling Academy Opera participant. Sunday 21st June.

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L’enfant et les sortilèges

By Harriet Beckham – Samling Academy Opera participant.

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